• Application Update Form

    You must use the correct legal name for each member of your household as it appears on the Social Security card.

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  • Total Household Income

    Please list all money earned or received by EVERYONE in your household. This includes money from wages, self-employment, child support, contributions, Social Security, disability payments, Workman's Compensation, retirement benefits, AFDC, Veteran's Benefits, rental property income, stock dividends, oil royalties, interests from bank accounts and any other income.

  • I do hereby swear and attest that all of the information above is true and complete. I understand that any false statements made intentionally can jeopardize my eligibility for low-income housing.

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  • Local Preference Election

    Please read the below preferences and select which apply, if any, apply to you by check the corresponding box. If none apply, simply sign the bottom of the form.

  • Certification:

    I certify that the above election is true to the best of my knowledge.

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